Friday, August 18, 2006

"DFF III" We need Feedback...

Listen up guys. I know we're 7-months out but the "DFF III" requires significantly more planning and coordination than ever before. I assigned Dewey the task of researching hotels and he discovered that they are going fast.

Apparently the month of March is extremely busy in Key West and we need to lock down some rooms in the next few weeks. And as you might expect, the cost of a Key West trip will be about double the cost of our Destin trip (and I'm sure 2x's better)and Dewey and I are trying to do as much as possible to cut down on cost.

One way to cut cost is people per/room; we’ll see substantial savings if everyone is on board with 4-per room. Also, we need to try and aim for a solid group of 12; any more or any less throws off the numbers (hotels rooms and fishing trip). Another cost cutting measure is flying to Miami and then taking a party bus (3-hour drive) to Key West; direct flights to Key West are outrageous.

Initial cost estimates indicate that the trip will cost $650-$750 per person. This includes the following:
3-nights hotel (4-per room)
6-hour fishing trip (tournament style, 2-boats of 6 people)
Fishing Trip Gratuity
Round Trip Airfare to Miami (based on estimated AirTran fares)
Party Bus Ticket from Miami to Key West (free alcohol and food)
Shuttle Bus back to Miami from Key West
We just need to know what everyone wants to do, please post your comments…

And as Chris says… Peace Up /A-town down bitches.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A few DFF 2 Pictures...

As usual, Reich reading one of his scholarly journals

Only thing he hooked all day...his head

Hammered on oatmeal creme pies...

Please take us home...

Reich ends the day with a delightful afternoon lecture on Neo-Classical and Keynesian Economic Theory

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Oscar Julian Crowley was born yesterday around 10:30am. Mom and baby are doing fine. Congrats to Chad, Casey, & Grace!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


March looks like a great month for fishing in the Key's. We'll probably be chasing Kingfish, Wahoo, & Tuna.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Reich...Call me on my cell

Reich: Give me a call on my cell...E

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Taking it to the next level...

The picture above pretty much sums up the "fishing portion" of the 2nd Annual DFF. Thus, the Research & Development phase for the 3rd annual DFF has begun. I believe that we must go southward to find fish if we continue to take the trip in early March. So, the time has come to take it to the next level. Sights are currently set on Key West for March 2007.

Yes...this will be considerably more expensive, but start saving $20/week now and money will be no issue. We will not be driving to Key West; hopefully we can fly to Ft. Lauderdale and then rent a 12-passenger van to drive the 3 or 4 hours to Key West. Volunteers to drive the van are being accepted now. Feel free to post any comments or suggestions for the '07 trip. Jay, Doug, & Chad- we missed you guys; y'all better be ready for next year.

I'll be posting photos soon from the Destin Trip. I'll let you know when they are up.

F-U too Steve...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

E = mc2

After much thought and cosideration, here are the travel plans. West will drive to Dewey's condo and ride with him, Reich will pick up Chris and drive to Stephen's house, I will drive directly to Stephen's house. Reich, Chris, Jeremy, and myself will jump in the Expedition and hit the road. The plan is to leave Stephen's house between 8 & 8:30 (earlier the better) and rendezvous with Dewey and West for breakfast somewhere between Newnan and LaGrange. Chris will then hop in Dewey's car to make more room in the Expedition and off we go. We'll probably hit Destin about 2pm local time and have about an hour before check-in, so we'll head to Hooters like last year and get things started.

I'll send out directions directly to Dewey, Derek, & Stephen's e-mail. I'll also have a copy with me. I don't care who rooms with who but this is what I have listed:

Room 1: Derek & West

Room2: Dewey & Chris (both are snoring champs so they deserve each other)

Room3: Eric & Reich

Room4: Stephen & Jeremy

Almost Go Time Boys:

Monday, March 06, 2006

Bill Lumbergh is an Asshole!!

Lumbergh is having Derek work until 4:00 on Thursday, so he'll be driving down by himself that evening. What an Asshole!

Transportation details are being hammered out. The plan as of now (since Derek will be flying solo) is to take Steve's Expedition and either Dewey or Chris's car. I'll update tonight or tomorrow with the final plan. Only 2 more days bitches...

Friday, March 03, 2006

Fishing Update

I talked to Capt. Bill yesterday. He says that if the water temp passes the 60 degree mark then we'll go shark fishing. It sounded like we'll probably end up doing some bottom fishing and shark fishing if we get the right weather. Water temp right now is around 58. The weather channel has it 65+ degrees air temp until we get there, this should translate into higher water temps. They now have Friday listed at cloudy and 71.

A few folks have asked me where the hotel is located relative to Destin's famous watering holes. Hog's Breath is suppose to be almost across the street and AJ's is about 1/2 mile down the block. We should be able to avoid long taxi rides this year.The transportation and logistics plan is currently being finalized. We'll firm all this up next week, but I think taking 3-cars (Chris, Dewey, and my truck) would make for a comfortable ride (only two back seat riders) with plenty of storage and minimal gas expense. More to come next week....

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

First Weather Report:

The weather channel has issued the first forecast for Destin on Friday March, 10th...69 & Sunny; Although I'm sure this will change.

Reich- call me on my cell when you get a chance...

Monday, February 27, 2006

Hold Fast to Dreams...

1985 Coachman, LLC
How sweet it would have been.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

"Go for the sharks, you pussies!"

Sorry it has taken me a while to update the site, I've been very busy "renting" money this week. An overwhelming majority has voted for JAWS, including Jay, who is not even going on the trip. In case you missed it, Mr. Morris made the following comment on the e-vite: "Go for the sharks, you pussies!". So, I suppose we'll go after sharks if Capt. Bill thinks it's a good idea. I don't want to hear any bitching if we don't catch anything, please remember this is a drinking trip as much as it is a fishing trip.

Speaking of drinking, I hope everyone is cool with drinking BudLight? I'll throw in a case or two of Bud for good measure and maybe a few High Life's for Reich. No Chris, I'm not buying you wine coolers. 14-days...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Fishing Poll:

I wanted to do a quick poll to see what everyone is interested in chasing after on the fishing trip. Unless they start running early; Kings, Spanish, and Cobia are likely out of the question as they don't usually heat up until after the first of April. So, our options will likely be bottom fishing for Red Snapper and Grouper or doing a shark trip. If we go for the Red Snapper/Grouper I think we will likely catch good numbers but I'm not sure about size (they are also out of season so we would not be able to keep the fish, but all we did with them last year was stink up Chris's garage for a week anyway).

If we decide to go after sharks, it is quite possible that we'll get skunked and not catch a damn thing but it is also possible that we could hook up with some big mean hard fighting sharks. So, do we want numbers or just a chance at hooking up with a few sharks? I'm good either way but I'm kind of leaning towards the sharks.

I'll give Captain Bill a call closer to the trip date to get his feedback and leave the final call up to him. But I have to let them know in advance if we decide on the shark trip so they can have the right tackle ready for the trip. Please click on the comment link below or e-mail me directly and let me know your preference.

Captain Bill

Monday, February 13, 2006



Friday, February 10, 2006

Jay-Bird...We will miss ya!

Last Year

Last Year

Monday, February 06, 2006

It's Official:
The 2nd Annual Drunken Fish Fest is officially booked and ready for action. The Mindy Lou II will depart the calm waters of Destin Harbor at 12:00 Noon on Friday March 10th for a 5-hour expedition. Our 12-noon departure should allow ample recovery time from Thursday night, and don't forget your Bonine to help with motion sickness (which seems to pack an added bonus of accelerated hangover recovery). I guess you can also say that it's official that I'm a dork for making this blog; but work is a little slow and what the fuck? Please feel free to share you comments. I'll try to keep everyone posted as this is updated. If you haven't already sent me your check ($320), please remember to try and get it to me by February 15th. 31-days and counting...
Mindy Lou II
Drinking Beer in Alabama...