Friday, August 18, 2006

"DFF III" We need Feedback...

Listen up guys. I know we're 7-months out but the "DFF III" requires significantly more planning and coordination than ever before. I assigned Dewey the task of researching hotels and he discovered that they are going fast.

Apparently the month of March is extremely busy in Key West and we need to lock down some rooms in the next few weeks. And as you might expect, the cost of a Key West trip will be about double the cost of our Destin trip (and I'm sure 2x's better)and Dewey and I are trying to do as much as possible to cut down on cost.

One way to cut cost is people per/room; we’ll see substantial savings if everyone is on board with 4-per room. Also, we need to try and aim for a solid group of 12; any more or any less throws off the numbers (hotels rooms and fishing trip). Another cost cutting measure is flying to Miami and then taking a party bus (3-hour drive) to Key West; direct flights to Key West are outrageous.

Initial cost estimates indicate that the trip will cost $650-$750 per person. This includes the following:
3-nights hotel (4-per room)
6-hour fishing trip (tournament style, 2-boats of 6 people)
Fishing Trip Gratuity
Round Trip Airfare to Miami (based on estimated AirTran fares)
Party Bus Ticket from Miami to Key West (free alcohol and food)
Shuttle Bus back to Miami from Key West
We just need to know what everyone wants to do, please post your comments…

And as Chris says… Peace Up /A-town down bitches.